List Candidate Surveys

This endpoint allows for listing Candidate Surveys.

By default, it will return all the surveys that were sent to the candidates (whether the candidate responded or not).

Including relationships

Application (candidate)

If you would like to include application data you have to request application inclusion. You can do it by adding include=application query param. Then the application data will be available in the included key of the response. See the example response in the right panel.


If you need any job-related data you need to request application.jobinclusion. You can do it by adding include=application.job query param. Then the job (and application) data will be available in the included key of the response.


If you need the stage of the application that the survey belongs to you need to request application.stageinclusion. You can do it by adding include=application.stage query param. Then the stage (and application) data will be available in the included key of the response.

Filtering and sorting

Filter responded surveys

You can get only surveys with responses by using responded filter (filter[responded]=true query param).

The survey is considered responded to when responded_at isn't empty.

Filter by application or job

You can filter surveys by specific application_id or job_id. Examples:

  • filter[application_id]=1
  • filter[job_id]=1

Other filters

Please find the documentation of all available sorting and filters in the table below.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!