Power BI Connection

A quick run through on how to quickly get set up and puling data from our API in to Power BI

We love hearing of people wanting to use our API for analytics and have worked with several clients on getting started with PowerBI and extracting data in an automated fashion.


In order to use our API as a data source you first need to choose web as your data source and this will provide you with a window to create the connection:

  1. You need to click on the advanced option as we need to add the API key as a header
Ignore the last 2 header rows in the above!

Ignore the last 2 header rows in the above!

  1. In the form that is displayed you provide the URL part (basically the API URL you want to connect to but can split this in to multiple parts if you wish i.e. separate out parameters)
  2. In the first URL part add: https://{subdomain}.pinpointhq.com/api/v1/applications.json (update your subdomain)
    1. NB: Note the.json at the end of the API endpoint - this is required so PowerBI can properly tabulate the resulting data!

Below there is a section for adding headers

  • You want the left hand text box to have x-api-key and the corresponding value box (right hand side) should hold your API key


PowerBI now asks how you want to authenticate, you do not need to as you have added your API key in the header values on the setup.

Juts click the Anonymous option and that then should load a JSON data table with all your applications.

Next Steps

Please carefully read the rest of the API docs for smart things you can do such as including the job an applicant applied to when getting applications as well as ensuring you are not missing confidential jobs when getting jobs and applications!